Forex for beginners

Forex for beginners This grant is written by simple clear language for all people, wishing to learn that such the financial markets and, perhaps, decided to get this remarkable profession – the financial speculator. (The SPECULATOR – [English jobber] – the person who is engaged in speculation at the exchange, the lawful participant of transactions on the majority of the markets. Exchange dictionary.) So let you aren't confused by this word which has got in Russia abusive sense, actually this lawful and respectable occupation. I afforded a popular statement of very difficult subject, can sometimes – too popular, for what in advance I am sorry. However it is sure that stated here, despite sometimes seeming lightness, it is quite enough for effective earning money in the currency market any person, irrespective of a sex, age, education. The author doesn't feed illusions that this grant can change views, a way of thinking of the reader. Through texts it is impossible to change the person — and all experience of the world literature proves it. You should want to change, thirst new, to aspire to conquer new tops. It will be not the book, not integral work, and a set of articles devoted to various questions, anyway concerning financial markets. Will be, probably, much retreats on subjects of economy and finance, business and philosophy – to a coma are uninteresting – pass. I and itself don't know while that will turn out – publications go «from wheels», today wrote chapter – and right there I publish. I am not going to learn, advise anybody. I simply want to tell that I know itself, to tell about the thoughts, about thoughts and ideas of my colleagues of traders, is very frequent – not indisputable. Therefore my work can't be perceived as the manual. We will speak about various rules and principles, about ethics of the trader. One of the major about whom I would like to tell first of all, is following – don't give anybody councils, don't follow nobody's councils! Get used to absorb not simply information as do vast majority of people, but to analyze it. For example, when someone tells something, try to understand not that he speaks, and for what purpose, why he tells it? And, as it is accepted in solid books – thanks. I express sincere gratitude of the Tramunta company working in Moscow and Petersburg in 1997-1999 and closed by law enforcement agencies in which I stepped for the first time on a planet of Forex and in which left a lot of money about which now I am not sorry, it was the payment for a science; to my wife Elena who shared with me all fears and risks, didn't leave nearly from me, when I sold the apartment (but after all isn't left!), which reconciled to my passion to Forex when I returned everything lost with interest and escaped on an acceptable standard of living; to my friends and colleagues – to Andrey, Oleg, Igor, ruthlessly criticizing my ideas and always ready to divide with me the last bottle of beer.