The exchange market - the characteristic, structure, its types and participants

The exchange market - the characteristic, structure, its types and participants The concept of the exchange market includes the following is the market on which the free biddings by currencies of the different countries are performed. It possesses the features and answers a number of characteristics. The structure of the exchange market is rather difficult – into it enter the market of cash and non-cash currency. The last in turn shares on urgent (spot market) and the market of cash transactions. Spot and forward – the most important types of the exchange markets. Thus the exchange market which is provided by the exchange, is called as the stock exchange market. Other markets organized by dealers, in particular – the Forex market, carry to the off-exchange. Unlike the stock market on which the securities trading is performed, to tools of the exchange market carry assets, checks, bills of exchange, swaps and many other things. The money market works generally with loans, and also with the securities issued with respect thereto. The exchange market carries out a number of the most different functions – insurance of currency risks, a diversification of allowances, rate installation on the basis of an operating situation of demand and the assumption. So MICEX of the Russian Federation – the largest currency platform in the CIS, relies when forming the currency rates on data of the international market Forex. Among functions of the exchange markets still it is possible to note assistance to foreign trade, providing necessary conditions for implementation of monetarist policies of the various states, provision of possibility of profit earning and a currency control. It can be performed by means of currency intervention – purchases of a large consignment of currency of one state in interests of another. To show all interested the ropes affairs on the international currency scene, in mass media and the Internet regularly there are corresponding reviews.